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ERD To Data Model Transformation

The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to Data Model transformation converts an ERD logical model to a data model targeted at the default database type, ready for generating DDL statements to run in one of the system-supported database products. Before doing the transformation, you define the common data type for each attribute and select a database type as the default database. You can then automatically generate the Data Modeling diagram.

The transformation uses and demonstrates support in the intermediary language for a number of database-specific concepts.




See also


Mapped one-to-one onto Class elements.


Mapped one-to-one onto attributes.

Primary Key

Lists all the columns involved so that they exist in the Class, and creates a Primary Key Method for them.

Foreign Key

A special sort of connector, in which the Source and Target sections list all of the columns involved so that:

  • The columns exist
  • A matching Primary Key exists in the destination Class, and
  • The transformation creates the appropriate Foreign Key
Transform Foreign Keys


ERD technology can handle Generalization, as shown. Note that the copy-down inheritance is currently supported with two levels only.


The ERD elements

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) prior to transformation in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

After transformation, become the Data Model elements

UML Class diagram after transformation from Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


  • Sometimes you might go back to the ERD, make some changes and then need to do another transformation; in this case, to achieve better results, always delete the previous transformation Package before doing the next transformation

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