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Customizing Perspectives
Whilst Enterprise Architect boasts a wide range of system (built-in) Perspectives, as users and teams gain more experience with the huge number of technologies and features in the tool, or their roles change, they might want to create their own personal or model based Perspectives more specifically tailored to their area of work, or to expose Technologies they have recently imported. Enterprise Architect provides the ability for Perspectives to be completely customized down to the level of the items that appear on a technology Toolbox page, and these definitions can be created once and then reused by different team members or even across different repositories.
Before starting, review the Technologies available to you in Enterprise Architect and identify and enable those you want to apply in a Perspective, either individually or in combination. This is particularly important for any custom Technologies you have, as selecting a Perspective makes available only those Technologies it specifically contains and hides all others - including your custom Technologies.
You can create custom Perspectives for your own personal use, or for all model users, and move or copy individual Perspectives between the two levels. You can also publish custom Perspectives, exporting them as a set from one model and importing them as a set into other models.
The procedures for working with personal custom Perspectives and model-level custom Perspectives are the same, except where specifically stated in this topic.
If you have User Security enabled on a model or project, as an administrator you can also set up Perspective Settings that identify the Perspectives available to users in each of the defined security groups. See the Perspectives for Security Groups Help topic.
These access options display the 'Perspective Sets' dialog, through which you can create customized Perspectives.
Ribbon |
Start > All Windows > Perspective > Settings... > Personal Sets or Shared Sets |
Perspective drop-down |
Open the Perspective drop-down menu located in the top-right corner of the main window. Select 'Settings...' from the bottom of the list. The settings can also be loaded from other places in Enterprise Architect that show the Perspective drop-down menu. Then select Personal Sets or Shared Sets |
Create Custom Perspective
Step |
Action |
1 |
Click on the . The 'Create Perspective' dialog displays, prompting you for the name of the new Perspective. Type in the Perspective name. In your Perspective, you can restrict the creation of constructs (types of diagram, element, connector and Pattern) from within other Technologies. (See the Restrict Custom Perspective section later in this topic.) If you want to do this, select the 'Strict' checkbox. Click on the OK button. The name is added to the 'Perspective' panel. If you have selected the 'Strict' checkbox for a Perspective, the word 'Yes' displays in the 'Strict' column and the is enabled. |
2 |
The new Perspective will be selected. Tick the technologies to be included in the Perspective. Untick any technologies that should not be in the new Perspective. Tick the 'Show Selected Only' checkbox to quickly see only the technologies that are currently ticked. |
3 |
You can also edit the Perspective name, and clear or select the 'Strict' checkbox; right-click on the Perspective name and select the 'Edit' option. The 'Edit Perspective' dialog displays, on which you can overtype the name and/or alter the checkbox selection. Then click on the . |
4 |
When you have finished setting up or changing a Perspective, click on the , or click on the and you will be prompted to save any changes. |
Manage Modeled Perspectives
Enterprise Architect 17.0 adds a new tab to manage Perspectives that are modeled using the new Perspective Modeling stereotypes.
The list shows all <<perspective workspace>> elements in the model that are used to encapsulate modeled perspective and ribbon sets.

Active in Model |
If 'Yes' then this Perspective Workspace has been activated in the model and can be viewed in the Shared Sets tab. Right-click on the row to update with any changes to the modeled perspective, or to de-activate to remove it from the Shared Sets If blank then this Perspective Workspace has not been activated in the model and will not be available to select. Right-click to activate the Perspective Workspace - choose to also link the Security Groups if available. |
Security Enabled |
If 'Yes' then this Perspective Workspace has a linked <<security group>> element and can be used to restrict users in the linked group to only be allowed access to this Perspective Workspace. |
Security Enforced |
If 'Yes' then this Perspective Workspace has been activated in the model and is linked to a Security Group the will restrict uses in that group to only be able to access perspectives, technologies and ribbons as defined in the <<perspective workspace>>. These will be listed in the Security Enforced tab. |
Restrict a Custom Perspective
Enterprise Architect is a tool for all seasons and is used to create models for initiatives of all sizes, from small endeavors such as a website for a small retail store right up to highly complex systems used in aerospace missions. Many of the supported languages and technologies also have this dimension, defining mechanisms for simple grammars through to extremely complex mechanisms for modeling large real-time systems.
Enterprise Architect provides the Strict Perspectives as a mechanism to restrict users to just the subset of the technology and the tool that they need to undertake their modeling tasks. For example, there might be a group of strategic modelers who just need to model straight-through processing. They only need access to the basic BPMN modeling palette such as Activities and Control Flows, and are not concerned about Pools, Lanes Gateways and Message Flows, for example, and certainly don't want to see Choreography diagrams. The librarian could set up a Strict Perspective restricted to just these modeling elements, connectors and diagrams.
To set a custom Perspective to 'Strict', click on the Perspective name and click on the
. The 'Modeling Permissions/Restrictions' dialog displays, listing the constructs (diagram, element, connector and Pattern) of each Technology in the Perspective.
Click on the type of construct for each Technology in turn, and in the lists in the right-hand panel select the checkbox against each type of element, relationship, diagram, link rule or Pattern to allow in the Perspective. If it makes the process easier, use the
or to select all checkboxes or clear all checkboxes before checking or clearing individual entries.When you have finished setting the allowed constructs, click on the
to return to the 'Perspective Sets' dialog.Publish Custom Perspectives
If you have custom Perspectives in one model, you can publish them by exporting them as a set to file and importing them into other models.
- On the appropriate tab ('Shared Sets' or 'Personal Sets'), click on the
to display the 'Publish Perspectives' dialog. - In the 'File Path' field, type in or browse for the location of the external file:
- From which to import previously-captured custom Perspectives, or
- Into which to export the current set of custom Perspectives - Select the appropriate radio button for the import or export operation you are performing.
- Click on the . The exported Perspectives are copied to the specified file. Imported Perspectives are listed on the 'Perspective' panel of the 'Shared Sets' or 'Personal Sets' tab, as appropriate.
Move or Copy Custom Perspectives
If you have created a Perspective in either the 'Shared Sets' tab or the 'Personal Sets' tab, you can move or copy that Perspective from its source tab to the other. You might move a Perspective to make yours available to other users, or to restrict a model Perspective to your own use, or copy the Perspective and edit it to create a variant for general or personal use.
Right-click on the selected Perspective to move or copy that Perspective, or click in the white space of the 'Perspective' panel to move or copy all Perspectives in the list. A short menu provides options to move or copy the Perspective to the alternative group - 'Shared Sets' or 'Personal Sets'. Click on the appropriate option; the move or copy takes place immediately and the Perspective name is displayed in the target panel.
Delete a Custom Perspective
If you no longer want to use a custom Perspective, you can delete it from the list of those available.
On the 'Shared Sets' or 'Personal Sets' tab of the 'Perspective Sets' dialog, click on the custom Perspective name and then on the
.In response to the confirmation prompt, click on the