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A Continuation is used in seq and alt Combined Fragments, to indicate the branches of continuation that an operand follows. To indicate a continuation, end an operand with a Continuation, and indicate the continuation branch with a matching Continuation (same name) preceding the Interaction Fragment.
You create a Continuation by dragging the State/Continuation element onto the diagram from the 'Interaction Elements' page of the Toolbox.
For this Continuation example, an alt Combined Fragment has Continuations pathSucc and pathFail. These Continuations are located within the Interaction Occurrence ConnHandler, which has subsequent events based on the continuation.
This diagram shows the interaction referenced by the Interaction Occurrence.
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OMG UML Specification
The OMG Unified Modeling Language specification, (v2.5.1, p. 609) states:
A Continuation is a syntactic way to define continuations of different branches of an alternative CombinedFragment. Continuations are intuitively similar to labels representing intermediate points in a flow of control.
The OMG Unified Modeling Language specification, (v2.5.1, pp. 582-583) also states:
Continuations have semantics only in connection with Alternative CombinedFragments and (weak) sequencing. If an InteractionOperand of an Alternative CombinedFragment ends in a Continuation with name (say) X, only InteractionFragments starting with the Continuation X (or no continuation at all) can be appended.