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Allowed Value Enumerations

When defining data inputs for a Decision, it is common to want to restrict the set of allowable values for an input.  For example, you might want to restrict the allowed values for Marital Status to just two options, 'Single' and 'Married'.

You can specify the allowed values for any leaf component of an ItemDefinition. Initially, the data field for a leaf component contains the text Type in Allowed Value Enumerations. You simply type over this text with the allowed values. For example, the ItemDefinition Strategy has three allowed values - BUREAU, DECLINE and THROUGH.

Allowed Value Enumerations are also used to support Auto Completion. When specifying values for an InputData element or an input parameter that references an ItemDefinition in which Allowed Values have been defined, the user can simply press the Spacebar and choose a value from the list.

You can also autocomplete by typing the first letter of the option you want to enter.

The input parameters and Output Clauses of Decision Tables also support the specification of allowable values. This restricts the values that can be used when defining the rules in the table, but also allows the user to fast fill the rules by pressing the Spacebar then selecting the required item.

A more complex ItemDefinition can include a number of Allowed Value Enumerations; for example:

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