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Generate BPEL 2.0

BPEL 2.0 code can be generated from a BPEL Process. The system validates the BPEL Process before generating the code. In addition to generating the code, WSDL 1.1 files are generated for the BPEL Process and all the involved Pools (provided Web Service Operations are defined for them).


Context Menu

In the Browser window or on a diagram:

Right-click on a BPEL Process element | BPEL | Generate BPEL 2.0




See also

File Name

Specify the path where the BPEL 2.0 file is to be generated.

Namespace Details

Double-click on an entry (if any) in this field to open the 'Namespace Details' dialog and add / edit the namespace details.

The entry DefaultPool represents the current BPEL Process.

Generate BPEL

Validate the model and generate BPEL 2.0.

BPEL Model Validation


Click on this button to close this dialog.


Display this Help topic.


View the generated BPEL 2.0 file.

Learn more