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OWL Elements & Relationships

This topic explains each of the icons on the Web Ontology Language (OWL) Toolbox pages for Ontology Definition diagrams and Ontology Facts diagrams.


On the Diagram Toolbox, click on Search to display the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog and specify 'ODM 1.0' or 'Web Ontology Language'.


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OWL Elements

Toolbox Icon



The OWL ontology Package, which holds all the OWL modeling elements.

You can export the contents of this Package to produce the Ontology XML document.


An extended UML Class that represents an OWL Class that describes an instantiatable entity with properties and semantic meaning.

Data Range

An extended UML Enumeration that defines a collection of values for an OWL Property.

Enumerated Class

An extended UML Class that defines an OWL Class extension defined by any one of the range of the allowed OWL Individuals.


An extended UML Class that defines an OWL Class extension as restricted by the specified property and its allowable values.


An extended UML Class, representing an OWL Class for a specific OWL Individual.

OWL Properties (Elements)

Toolbox Icon



An extended UML Class, representing an OWL Annotation Property definition.

Datatype Property

An extended UML Class, representing an OWL Datatype Property definition.

Object Property

An extended UML Class, representing a semantic OWL Property definition.

Ontology Property

An extended UML Part, representing a property defined on the OWL Ontology.


An extended UML Object, representing an instance of an OWL Class that defines an individual fact.


An extended UML Part, holding a value defined in an OWL Property or OWL Individual.

OWL Relationships

Toolbox Icon



An extended UML PackageImports, that enables an OWL ontology to reference another OWL Ontology.


An extended UML Association, that specifies the OWL Classes that apply the specified OWL Property (Annotation, Datatype or Object Property).


An extended UML Association, that specifies the OWL Class with the value type applicable to the specified OWL Property (Annotation, Datatype or Object Property).

Inverse Of

An extended UML Association, between two opposing, but related OWL Property elements.

Sub Property Of

An extended UML Generalization between two OWL Property elements.

Subclass Of

An extended UML Generalization between two OWL Class elements.


An extended UML Association, defining an OWL Property and value between OWL Classes.

OWL Semantics (Relationships)

Toolbox Icon


All Different

An extended UML Dependency between different (that is, unique) OWL Individuals typed by the same OWL Class.

Backward Compatible With

An extended UML Dependency between an OWL Ontology and another that it is backward compatible with.

Complement Of

An extended UML Dependency between an OWL Class and its complement (or opposite).

Different From

An extended UML Dependency between two semantically different OWL Individuals typed by the same OWL Class.

Disjoint With

An extended UML Dependency between two OWL Classes that have no common individuals.

Equivalent Class

An extended UML Dependency between two equivalent OWL Classes.

Equivalent Property

An extended UML Dependency between two equivalent OWL Property elements.

Incompatible With

An extended UML Dependency between an OWL Ontology and another that it is incompatible with.

Intersection Of

An extended UML Dependency between an OWL Class and others it also specializes.

Ontology Property

An extended UML Dependency, representing a property defined on the OWL Ontology.

Prior Version

An extended UML Dependency between an OWL Ontology and its predecessor.

Same As

An extended UML Dependency between two semantically identical OWL Individuals typed by the same OWL Class.

Union Of

An extended UML Dependency between a general OWL Class and others that distinctly specialize it.

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