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A DMN Decision Relation element provides a convenient shorthand method for defining a list of related values in a DMN diagram. A Decision Relation is like a relation table with columns and rows. The header of the grid displays the name of each column. Each row displays the set of values for the corresponding columns.



To create a Decision Relation:

  • Ensure the Perspective is set to: Requirements > Decision Modeling
  • From the DMN Components page of the Diagram Toolbox, drag a Decision element or BKM element onto a DMN diagram
  • Select 'Relation' from the pop-up expression menu
  • Double-click on the DMN element to display the DMN Expression window.

Alternatively, you can change an existing DMN Decision or BKM element to a Decision-Relation type. To do this:

  • Right-click on a DMN Decision or BKM element on the diagram, and select the 'Properties | Properties' menu option
  • On the General page, select the 'Tags' tab, and in the 'expressionType' value field click on the drop-down arrow and select 'Relation'; click on the OK button


The DMN Relation Decision-type is a vertical list containing rows of values. A key to using the Decision Relation is the means to iterate through the rows of values using a For Loop. The For Loop can be defined in, say, a related Literal Expression Decision as a formula to process the rows in the Decision-Relation element.

Editing DMN Relations

The DMN Expression window has a toolbar providing options to add a new row, delete an existing row and move the selected row up or down.

You can also:

  • Drag the grid header to reposition columns.
  • Right-click on the header cells to display the context menu options for setting the column's Type to: 'string', 'number', 'boolean' or 'object'.

Example - Loan Table

In this example, we have two Decisions - 'Loan Table' and 'Monthly Payment List' - and one Business Knowledge Model - 'Payment'.

'Loan Table' is a Decision implemented as a Relation with four columns: 'Loan', 'Principle', 'Term' and 'Annual Rate'.

'Monthly Payment List' is a Decision implemented as a Literal Expression with a for loop:

The for loop will iterate through 'Loan Table':

  • Each item 'x' is a row of the table, represented as a list
  • With each row item 'x', invoke Business Knowledge Model 'Payment' with the items in the row list
  • Each item in the list can be accessed in two different ways:
    (1) Directly access the Relation's column, like x.Loan, x.Term, x.Principle
    (2) Where the column name has a space, use string access: x["Annual Rate"]

On simulation, the runtime values show in the Simulation window and on the diagram beside the element; you can click on a step to see the simulation process.

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