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StateMachine Table Options
You can choose the StateMachine table layout and set other options from the 'StateMachine Diagram: Options' dialog, which you display by either:
- Double-clicking on the StateMachine table background or
- Right-clicking on the background and selecting the 'State Table Options' option
Option |
Action |
See also |
Table Format |
Select the required table format. State - Trigger:
Trigger - State: as for State - Trigger, except that rows represent Triggers and columns represent States. State - Next State:
Cell Size |
Complete the next four fields. |
Transition Cell Width |
Specify the width of the transition cells (that is, the column width). |
Transition Cell Height |
Specify the height of the transition cells (that is, the row height). |
Left Edge Cell Width |
Specify the width of the left edge (row title) cells. |
Top Edge Cell Height |
Specify the height of the top edge (column title) cells. |
Cell Color |
Complete the next three fields. |
State/Trigger Cell |
Select the color of the row and column title cells. |
State/Trigger Enumeration |
Select the color of the enumeration (row/column numbering) cells. You must select at least one of the 'Enable State Enumeration' and 'Enable Event Enumeration' checkboxes to set this color. |
Transition Cell |
Select the color of the transition cells (in the main body of the table). |
Highlight Options |
Highlight Zones Related to Selected Transition |
Highlight the cells for all elements involved in a selected transition - the initial state, the target state, and the trigger. |
Highlight Color |
Select the color of the highlight. |
Use Different Color for Target State |
Highlight the cell for the target element in a transition in a different color to the cell for the source element. |
Target Zone Color |
Select the color of the highlight. |
Display Options |
Always Display an Empty State Zone |
Add an empty row (and, on a State - Next State table, an empty column) to the end of the table. The title cell contains a |
Enable State Enumeration |
Add a cell to each state title cell, to number the state. Numbering starts at 0. |
Prefix |
If required, type a prefix for the state number or delete the default 'S' to have no prefix. |
Enable Event Enumeration |
Add a cell to each event or trigger title cell, to number the event. Numbering starts at 0. |
Prefix |
If required, type a prefix for the event number or delete the default E to have no prefix. |
Sample State Table |
Display a preview of the table format as you define it. |
Advanced |
Define diagram options. The StateMachine diagram 'Properties' dialog displays. |
Diagram Properties |
Restore Defaults |
Reapply the State Table diagram default values. |
Apply |
Apply the changed options to the State Table diagram. |