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Add, Delete and Modify Issues

You can maintain project issue records using the 'Issue Detail' dialog from the Project Issues view.



Construct > Project Management > Issues-Tasks > Project Issues

Maintain Project Issues



See also


If creating a new issue, double-click in a blank area to display the 'Issue Detail' dialog and complete the blank fields.

If editing an existing item, double-click on the item to display the 'Issue Detail' dialog and edit the fields.


Enter or update these issue details, selecting a value from the field's drop-down list where appropriate:

  • The issue name
  • Automatic naming - if you have set up automatic naming conventions, click on the Auto button to insert the predefined element name and counter text; if you already have some text in the 'Name' field, it is over-written by the automatic naming text
  • The issue priority
  • The date the issue was raised
  • The issue status
  • The issue owner
  • A description of the issue
  • The date on which the issue was resolved (select the checkbox to activate the date)
  • The name of the person who resolved the issue
  • Any comments on the resolution
Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters


Click on the Apply button.


If the issue is closed (and all the 'Resolution' fields are completed), click on the Close Issue button.


To create another entry click on the New button or, to close, click on the OK button.


To delete an issue in the Project Issue view, right-click on the entry and select the 'Delete' option, then click on the Yes button on the confirmation prompt.


  • You can filter the list of issues by status, to show all issues or just Open, Closed or Under Review issues, using the 'Set term filter' context menu option