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Risk Management

In Enterprise Architect, the Project Manager can allocate the possible weighting of defined risks that might impact work on a given model element.

To select the element to which to allocate risk weightings, click on that element in the Browser window or a diagram.



Construct > Project Management > Risks: right-click | Add New

Keyboard shortcut

Select a risk item on a diagram or Element tab of the browser then use Shift+Enter

Enter risk details for an element


Type the name or a brief description of the risk.


Type in the risk type or click on the drop-down arrow and select the type.

The selection list is drawn from the global Risk Type list, but any new risks you type in this field are not added to the list. If there are no global risk types defined, the drop-down arrow is not displayed.


Defaults to the weighting for the defined type. You can change this weighting if necessary.


Type in any additional notes or description of this risk. You can use the Notes Toolbar at the top of the field to format the text, if you prefer.


Click on this icon to save the data you have entered and to add the entry to the Risk list in the Risk window and the 'Details' tab of the Inspector window, and close the dialog.


Click on this button to discard the data you have entered, and close the dialog.


  • The risks described here are not the same as those represented by Risk elements; the risks are properties of a single element, whilst the Risk element represents something that can impact a range of other elements
  • If you select a global risk type from the 'Type' drop-down list and the associated 'Weight' field is empty, the default Weight value is allocated to the 'Weight' field on the 'Risks' tab
  • To edit existing Risk items for this element, display the record in the 'Risks' dialog by either:
         -  Clicking on the 'Construct > Project Management > Risks' ribbon option and on the required item in the 'Risks' tab of the Project Tools window, or
         -  Double-clicking on the item in the Project > Risk list in the 'Details' tab of the Inspector window
  • To delete existing Risk items for an element, right-click on the item in the 'Risk' tab of the Project Tools window and click on the 'Delete' option
  • Although Enterprise Architect does not currently provide detailed reports on risks within a model, you can use the Automation Interface or similar tools to create your own custom reports based on risk information you enter

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