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Allocated Resources

'Allocated Resources' is a display mode of the project Calendar facility, that you can use to:

  • Review the allocation of resources across the project over a period of time
  • Review the status of the work assigned to those resources
  • Display and edit the details of the task assigned to a resource
  • Allocate further resources to an element
  • Delete a resource allocation from an element
  • Create and send an email to the resource allocated to an element

In 'Allocated Resources' mode, the 'Diary' panel shows the selected period of time (see the Project Calendar topic), with at least one icon representing each element in the project to which a resource has been allocated during that period. If an element has more than one allocated resource, each element:resource combination is represented separately.

Each icon shows the element name and resource name, and indicates the status of the assigned work with one of these symbols:

  • a green square, indicating that the resource has been assigned the work
  • a green tick, indicating that the resource has completed the assigned work
  • a red square, indicating that the resource has not completed the assigned work
  • a square divided diagonally with green and red halves, indicating that the assigned work is to be completed within one working day

Typically, while the work is in progress a resource is represented by:

  • An icon with a green square on the day the work is planned to start, and
  • An icon with a red square on the day the work is planned to finish

When the work is complete, the icons on both days display the green tick.

Resources are initially allocated to elements through the:

  • Resource Allocation window, or
  • 'Allocated Work' tab of the Personal Tasks window

You can then edit these allocations through either of those windows or through the Allocated Resources Calendar itself.



Start > Collaborate > Calendar > Allocated Resources

Allocate Resources



See also

Display/edit details of an allocated resource


  • Double-click on any icon for that element:resource combination, or
  • Right-click on the icon and select the 'Properties' option

The 'Assigned Resources' dialog displays, showing the details of the assignment of the resource to a task on the element.

This dialog has the same content, format and functions as the Resource Allocation window, in Item mode.

Resource Allocation

Add resource to element

Right-click on any icon for the element and select the 'Assign Resource to <element name>' option.

The 'Assigned Resources' dialog displays, showing the start and end dates both set to the date from which you selected the icon, and the 'Allocated Time' field set to '1'; all other fields are blank.

This dialog has the same content, format and functions as the Resource Allocation window, in Item mode.

Specify the resource and the role or task that resource is performing, and define the period for which the resource is allocated to the element.

Message Resource

Right-click on any icon for the element:resource combination and select the 'Message Resource <resource name>' option.

The 'Model Message' dialog displays, on which you create and send your message to the resource allocated to the element.

Create a Message

Delete resource from element

Right-click on any icon for the element:resource combination, and select the 'Delete Resource from <element name>' option.

A prompt displays to confirm the deletion; click on the Yes button.

The icon and any corresponding icons for that element:resource combination are deleted from the calendar, and the resource is no longer allocated to that element.

Locate element in diagrams in which it is used

Right-click on any icon for the element, and select the 'Find in all Diagrams' option.

If the element is used in only one diagram, that diagram displays.

If the element is used in more than one diagram the 'Element Usage' dialog displays, listing the diagrams in which the element occurs.

Select the required diagram and click on the Open button to display that diagram.

This option also operates on Port and Part Property Type Classifiers.

Show Element Use

Locate element in Browser window

Right-click on any icon for the element, and select the 'Find in Project Browser' option.

The area of the Browser window containing the element is brought into focus and expanded, and the element is highlighted.

Locate resource allocation start date corresponding to allocation end date

Firstly, click on the end date icon for the element:resource combination to highlight it; the corresponding start date icon is also highlighted.

If the start date icon is not in view, right-click on the end date icon and select the 'Show Start/End' option; the display scrolls to show the start date and the start date cell is highlighted.

Locate resource allocation end date corresponding to allocation start date

Firstly, click on the start date icon for the element:resource combination to highlight it; the corresponding end date icon is also highlighted.

If the end date icon is not in view, right-click on the start date icon and select the 'Show Start/End' option; the display scrolls to show the end date and the end date cell is highlighted.

Refocus display on today's date

Right-click anywhere on the display and select the 'Show Today' option.

The display returns to today's date, which is highlighted and outlined.


  • The Project Calendar is available in the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect
  • In these editions, if security is enabled you must have 'Configure Resources' permission in order to allocate resources to or remove resources from the Project Calendar; if security is not enabled, you can change data without this permission
  • In the Lite Edition of Enterprise Architect, you can view Calendar entries but not change them
  • As the start and end icons for a completed task are identical, and one-day tasks have only one icon, the methods to show the corresponding start date or end date for an icon are also useful to show whether the icon is for a start or end date, or for a one-day task; alternatively, double-click on the icon and review the allocation dates

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