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The Collaborate Window Selector

The Collaborate Window Selector provides immediate access to a range of windows for collaborating with other members of your modeling team. Each window name is a command that, when you click on it, opens that window.

The windows are organized into four sets, as described in the tables of this topic.

Discuss & Review Elements

The 'Discuss & Review Elements' group of windows help you to discuss and review model elements.



See also


Opens or returns focus to the Discuss & Review window at the 'Journal' tab. The Journal allows you to, for a selected object or diagram, maintain a daily log of ideas, comments, notes, suggestions, to-do lists and other reminders.

The Journal Tab


Opens or returns focus to the Discuss & Review window at the 'Discuss' tab. You can select an individual element or diagram and develop a discussion that is directly associated with that object.

Model Discussions


Opens or returns focus to the Discuss & Review window at the 'Review' tab, through which you can set up and conduct a formal review of one or more elements and/or diagrams as defined by a Review element.

Model Reviews


The 'Histories' group of windows help you to look back at the history of discussions and reviews of elements and diagrams in your model over a period of time that you can set.



See also


Opens or returns focus to the Discuss & Review History window at the 'Journals' tab. The 'Journals' tab lists the elements across the model against which journal comments have been posted.


Opens or returns focus to the Discuss & Review History window at the 'Discussions' tab. The 'Discussions' tab shows the Discussions that have been recorded on elements across the model.


Opens or returns focus to the Discuss & Review History window at the 'Reviews' tab. The 'Reviews' tab shows the activity in formal reviews across the model, listing the items in which activity has occurred.

Manage Reviews

Opens the Reviews view, which lists all the Review elements in your model. It shows, for a selected Review element, the details of the elements and diagrams under review, allowing you to quickly see what reviews are taking place and what is happening within them.

Manage Reviews


The 'Personal' group of windows help you to communicate with other members of your team.



See also


Opens or returns focus to the Chat & Mail window at the 'Chat' tab. The 'Chat' tab provides a facility for following and participating in quick conversations with individuals or members of a user group on any topic.

Model Chat


Opens or returns focus to the Chat & Mail window at the 'Model Mail' tab. This provides you with the ability to send, receive and respond to emails within the project team.

Model Mail

My Diary

Opens or returns focus to the Chat & Mail window at the 'My Diary' tab. In your personal diary you can type all kinds of ideas, notes, suggestions, to-do lists and other reminders of what you have done or intend to do in the model.

Your Model Diary


Opens or returns focus to the Discuss and Review - History window at the 'Chat' tab. This lists the recent Chat conversations that you have been a part of or within groups that you are a member of.

Discuss & Review - History Window


The 'Model' group of windows help you to organize your project.



See also

Home Diagram

The Home Diagram command opens your home diagram, if you have one defined.

User and Model Default Diagrams

Model Library

Opens or returns focus to the Library window. The Library window is a place where documents such as specifications, requirements and project guidelines can be stored in the model.

The Model Library

Calendar of Events

Opens the Calendar view. This provides a project management overview, in calendar format, of the deployment of resources, timeframes for tasks, and upcoming project events such as milestones and meetings.

The Model Calendar


Opens the Glossary View for the project, showing definitions of terms and, if you are in a project that has been translated into another language, the translations of the terms.

Model Glossary