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Focus - Quick Find

The 'Quick Find' tab of the Focus window helps you to locate elements and/or diagrams anywhere in the model, by searching for a specified text string in the object name or alias. Objects that match the text string are listed in the 'Elements' tab or 'Diagrams' tab within the 'Quick Find' tab.



Start > All Windows > Design > Explore > Focus > Quick Find

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+1 | Focus > Quick Find

Search for Objects

Select the appropriate tab - 'Elements' or 'Diagrams' - and type the text to be searched for into the field above the tab names.

Click on the Search icon - . The results of the search are listed in the selected tab.

If you want to check both elements and diagrams, perform the searches separately. However, the results of the searches remain on display until you execute a new search, so you can compare or match up elements and diagrams that have the same text string.

Act on Search Results

Each list of results has a context menu. Right-click on an item in the list to display the options:

  • Properties - displays the 'Properties' dialog for the element or diagram; note that selecting the object also automatically updates the Properties window to show details of the object
  • Open - displays the selected diagram in the Diagram View
  • Find in Project Browser - locates and highlights the element or diagram in the 'Project' tab of the Browser window
  • Find in all Diagrams - if the selected element is used in one diagram, this option opens the diagram and highlights the element
    If the element is not used in a diagram, or is used in several diagrams, the options displays the 'Element Usage' dialog - empty if the element is not used, listing the diagrams if it is used; click on the required diagram to open it

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