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Create a Matrix Overlay

When you create a Matrix Overlay to apply to the cells of the Relationship Matrix, you define the values that can be assigned under that overlay, and whether the values must be single or can be set in a combination. The overlay definition is actually created as a Tagged Value on the connector, of the predefined Tagged Value Type MatrixOverlay.



Design > Package > Package/Matrix | Open as (Source/target/Both) : Overlays drop-down arrow | <New Overlay>

Context Menu

Browser window |Right-click on Package | Relationship Matrix | (As Source, As Target or As Both) : Overlays drop-down arrow | <New Overlay>

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+9 : Overlays drop-down arrow | <New Overlay>

Alt+1 | Matrix : Overlays drop-down arrow | <New Overlay>

Create an Overlay



See also

Overlay Name

Type an appropriate name for the overlay. This also becomes the tag name.

Allowable Values

Type in the allowable values for the overlay/tag, not separated by any punctuation or spaces (for example, CRUD); the matrix cell is case sensitive, so type the values exactly as they are to be entered.

Mutually Exclusive

If you want only one allowable value to be set in a matrix cell at a time, select this checkbox. (This makes the Tagged Value an Enum type.)

If you want to allow any combination of values to be set in a matrix cell at a time, clear the checkbox. (This makes the Tagged Value a Custom type.)


Click on this button to save the new overlay/Tagged Value.

You can now view the overlay on the 'Tagged Value Types' tab of the 'UML Types' dialog, in the format:


Tagged Value Types


  • You cannot change an existing overlay on the Relationship Matrix; because the overlay is defined by a Tagged Value of type MatrixOverlay, you can delete the overlay or edit the values and/or the 'Mutually Exclusive' setting by deleting or editing the Tagged Value on the 'Tagged Value Types' tab of the 'UML Types' dialog

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