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System Behavior Panel

The 'System Behavior' panel provides access to the Configure SysML Simulation view, where you can configure and manage SysML-based simulations as well as access a pre-defined search to retrieve SysML Configuration Artifacts.

Available Facilities



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow to access the SysML Simulation configuration and management view, or to access a pre-defined model search that retrieves SysML Configuration Artifacts.

  • SysMLSim Configuration Manager - display the Configure SysML Simulation view to build and run simulations using SysML and OpenModelica or Simulink
  • Find SysMLSim Configuration Artifacts - open the Start Page 'Search in Project' tab and load a pre-defined set of search parameters to find SysMLSim Configuration Artifacts
  • Apply Perspective - apply the SysML Perspective to your modeling environment; the Model Builder dialog displays, presenting the SysML 1.5 Patterns, OpenModelica Case Studies and SysPhS elements
  • Apply Workspace - apply the System Behavior Simulation Workspace, which opens all of the relevant windows (Toolbox, Properties, Notes and Configure SysML Simulation windows) for System Behavior Simulation, and arranges them around the screen for ease of use
  • Help - display the (SysPhS Simulation) Simulation Help topic
The Model Builder Pre-defined Searches SysML Parametric Simulation