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WebConfig - Adding a Model Connection

New model connections can be added using the 'Add a Connection' option at the foot of the WebConfig 'Home' page.

The process of adding a new model connection has two steps - selecting the connection type, then entering the details that are required for the model connection.

Select Connection Type

When you click on the 'Add a Connection' option the 'Select Connection Type' page displays.

This page is broken up into two lists of database connection types:

Native Connection - Refers to database connections using the Pro Cloud Server's native drivers. This is the simplest and recommended method (in most cases) for connecting to repositories.

ODBC Connection - Refers to the original (pre version 5.0) method of defining ODBC and OLE/DB database connections. With the introduction of a 64 bit version of the Pro Cloud Server, additional ODBC/OLE DB drivers (and/or ODBC DSNs) will most likely be required in order for the Pro Cloud Server to connect to such databases, therefore Sparx Systems recommend Native connection due to their simplicity.

Select the relevant radio button for the connection type, depending on the type of database you are accessing.

In the case of Firebird or SQLite you have the option of creating the model directly from the WebConfig. For other model types (DBMS repositories), the model should have been created and tested (by accessing the model via Enterprise Architect's 'Connect to Server' option) prior to adding the Cloud Connection.


  • The DBMS types under 'ODBC Connection' are only listed if the relevant drivers are found on the server.

Add Model Connection

After you select the model type, the 'Add Model Connection' page is displayed. The options provided vary depending on the model connection type you selected.



See also


Firebird models are stored on the server within the Pro Cloud Server's Models sub-folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Service\Models).

When selecting Firebird you are provided with two options.

  • New Firebird Model - Select this option to create a new Firebird model; enter a name for the Firebird model in the 'File Name' field. No path or file extension are required
    The new, empty Firebird model will be created on the server (in the 'Models' sub-folder) and the model connection will be associated with this file
  • Existing Firebird Model - Select this option to create a model connection that links to an existing Firebird model (which already exists in the 'Models' sub-folder)

DBMS (MariaDB, SQL Server, etc)

Connection Name / Alias

Specify a short, unique name for the connection. This is required when accessing the model via Enterprise Architect or WebEA.

Server Name / Database / etc

The options provided for DBMS connections (MariaDB, SQL Server, MySQL, etc) vary depending on the model connection type you selected. The available fields are described in the 'Open Server Connections - Native Connection' help topic. Typcially it is best to test access to the database via Enterprise Architect before setting up the Cloud Connection.

Test / OK

When all required fields (*) have been completed, click the Test button. If the connection is successful you will receive a 'Test Successful' message and the OK button will then be enabled. Click OK to add the model connection.

Open Server Connections - Native Connection

Learn more