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Pro Cloud Server Licensing

The Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen displays whenever you click on the Licensing button on the Main screen.  It allows you to quickly and easily see what Pro Cloud Server licenses have been defined, and the complete details of each license.

On a new installation, when the Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen is first shown it resembles this:

However, over time as your Pro Cloud Licenses expire you will be able to see a complete history of all licenses:

In this example, the current Token license is valid from February 3rd, 2019 to February 4th, 2020 and has 5 tokens.

If there is any kind of problem with the license, the 'Valid' column will show the reason; this message is also written to the current log file.

License Procedure

As of Pro Cloud Server version 4.0.30, the licensing procedure has been enhanced.  Pro Cloud Server licenses are now linked to the host machine, which is an enforcement of what was stated in the license agreement.  To add a License, the basic procedure to follow is:

  1. Purchase the required Pro Cloud Server license.
  2. Create a 'License Request' from the Pro Cloud Server machine.
  3. Send the 'License Request' file to the Sparx Systems Sales team.
  4. The Sparx Systems Sales Team will then return the 'License Certificate'.
  5. Add your 'License Certificate' to your Pro Cloud Server installation.
  6. Your Pro Cloud Server is now licensed!

Along with the change to Licensing procedures, Pro Cloud Server 4.0.30 introduced the 'Token' Edition, which provides a more flexible upgrade path by making use of tokens that can be purchased separately at any time to enable only the extra functionality your environment requires.

For the premium editions ('Team' and 'Enterprise') the enabled functionality remains unchanged, except that the 'Team' edition now allows 7 Pro-enabled models, 2 more than in earlier versions.

Licensing Screen Options

As shown in the earlier screen shots, the Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen contains a list of Licenses and a selection of action buttons, which are described here:



See also

Pro Cloud Server Licenses

The list of Licenses displays a historical record of all Licenses for the current Pro Cloud Server.  Each License will display values in these columns:

  • License Type - One of 'Token', 'Team' or 'Enterprise'
  • Tokens - The number of Tokens associated with the License
  • Company - The name of the company that the Pro Cloud Server is licensed to
  • Email - The email address associated with this license; that is, the email address that was provided when the License Request was created
  • Start Date - The date the License is valid from
  • Expiry Date - The date the License expires on
  • Valid - A value of 'True' indicates that the current license is loaded, otherwise an error message displays explaining why it is not valid

Create Request...

The Create Request button is permanently visible on the Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen

Selecting this button will display the New License Request screen, which allows the user the create a new Pro Cloud Server License request.

Create Request


The Add button is permanently visible on the Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen

Selecting it will prompt the user to select a Pro Cloud Server License Certificate file (*.CRT) in the file system.

Add a New License


The Remove button is permanently visible on the Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen, however it is only enabled when a License is selected in the list. 

Selecting this button will remove the selected Pro Cloud Server License from list.

If the Remove action was performed by mistake, the License Certificate file (.CRT) will still exist in the file system under the, {installation path}\Licenses\deleted\ folder.  Therefore to reinstate the deleted license, manually copy the {GUID}.CRT from the \deleted\ folder to {installation path}\Licenses\ and restart the Pro Cloud Server.

Remove a License


The Renew button is permanently visible on the Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen; however, it is only enabled when a License is selected in the list. 

Selecting this button will display the 'New License Request' screen, but some of the fields will be pre-populated with the details of the selected License.

Renew a License

Manage Allocations...

The Manage Allocations... button is only visible when the selected Pro Cloud Server License is a Token license. 

Selecting this button will display the 'Manage License Token Allocations' screen, which allows the user to control the minimum and/or maximum number of Tokens associated with each Pro Feature.

Manage Allocations