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Add Database Manager - ODBC

Pro Cloud Server connections to MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases require the use of ODBC DSNs, which are defined in the Windows 'ODBC Data Source Administrator (32 bit)' screen. If you are running the Configuration Client on the same machine as the server you can:

  1. Click on the Browse. button to open the 'Data Link Properties' dialog to build the connection string.
  2. Select the provider 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers' and click on the Next >> button.
  3. Select the pre-defined System DSN from the 'Use data source name' field.
  4. Only fill in the user name, password (and check the 'Allow saving password' checkbox) and initial catalog if values have not already been set within the System DSN.  Some ODBC drivers don't function correctly when values are entered in both locations.  Normally it is easier to save the user credentials and initial catalog within the System DSN.

When user credentials have not been saved within the System DSN, the 'Data Link Properties' dialog should be filled in like this:


  • All ODBC DSNs should be defined as SYSTEM DSNs, because the Pro Cloud Server runs as a Windows Service and User DSNs might not be available to the Pro Cloud Server
  • If you choose to enter the user name and password on this screen then you must check the 'Allow saving password' option, so that all necessary information is stored within the connection string.  Leaving this option uncheckbox will not results in a user prompt since the Pro Cloud Server is a Windows Service and is intended to run without user interaction
  • The ODBC Data Sources button displays the Windows 'ODBC Data Source Administrator' dialog, which you can use to set up a new ODBC system data source to be listed on the 'Data Link Properties' dialog (if you are running the administration client on the same machine as the server); it is particularly helpful because it shows the 32 bit ODBC data sources
  • For MySQL  - make sure to adjust the MAX_PACKET_SIZE of your MySQL installation to be large enough to store the largest record in your database; this is needed in order for Enterprise Architect to retrieve and manipulate large records
    It is difficult for Sparx Systems to state a recommendation for this setting because it is dependant on the size of records in a user's repository; however, it is not unusual that a value of at least 200M is required
    Typically the largest records are stored in T_DOCUMENT and are the results of embedding a document or storing a baseline within the repository; the MAX_PACKET_SIZE setting is defined in MySQL's configuration file, 'my.ini' for Windows or  '~/.my.cnf' for Linux

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