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If users experience a problem with the Pro Cloud Server's Floating License Server, the error message will either be displayed on the screen for errors related to the Floating License Configuration Client, or written to the Pro Cloud Server's log file when an error occurs within the Pro Cloud Server. This topic provides a list of common Floating License-related errors that could occur. Each entry describes the situation that has occurred and provides guidance on how to correct the error.

Configuration-related Floating License Server errors



See also

EA Users are not able to connect to a Floating License Group

Enterprise Architect users cannot connect to a defined Floating License Group, even when the entered details exactly match the definition.

Possible reasons:

  • If an entitlement in the Floating License Group file is defined with an invalid Enterprise Architect product, the entire Group will be disabled; check the Pro Cloud Server's log file for error messages - the invalid product will be mentioned by name and line number

The Key Store connection screen in EA does not include HTTPS option

In order for Enterprise Architect to connect to the Pro Cloud Server's Key Store, a protocol of HTTPS is required for secure communications.

Possible reasons:

  • A version prior to Enterprise Architect version 14 is in use

The Key Store connection screen in EA cannot perform a successful 'Test'

Your client is not able to communicate with a Pro Cloud Server using the supplied details.

Possible reasons:

  • Pro Cloud Server is not installed
  • Pro Cloud Server is not running
  • Pro Cloud Server is not listening on the expected Port using HTTPS
  • There is no network connectivity between the client and server
  • A firewall is limiting communications between the client and server
Pro Cloud Server Configuration

Errors while using Floating License Configuration Client



See also

Could not open keystore at [FilePath]. The file does not exist and could not be created

The service was unable to open the key store file specified by the FLOATLIC_PATH property in the Pro Cloud Server configuration file (SSProCloud.config).

Ensure that this path exists, and the user account that the Pro Cloud Server Windows Service is running under has the necessary permissions to read and write to the specified file.

The Floating License Configuration Client is not able to connect

The machine running the Floating License Configuration Client is not able to communicate with a Floating License Server using the supplied details.

Possible reasons:

  • Pro Cloud Server is not installed
  • Pro Cloud Server is not running
  • Pro Cloud Server is not listening on the expected Port using HTTPS
  • There is no network connectivity between the client and server
  • A firewall is limiting communications between the client and server
  • The Pro Cloud Server configuration file does not contain a valid PCS license key, therefore all Pro Cloud features are disabled, including the Floating License Server
  • The entered user credentials do not match any of the defined Floating License Groups in 'ssflsgroup.config'
  • The user credentials for the entered Floating License Group have not been defined as 'IsManager=true'
  • If an entitlement in the Floating License Group file is defined with an invalid Enterprise Architect product, the entire Group will be disabled; check the Pro Cloud Server's log file for error messages - the invalid product will be mentioned by name and line number

Could not open keystore, no keystore file specified

No file path was specified in the property in the configuration file.

Type a file path into the FLOATLIC_PATH configuration property that the user account the Pro Cloud Server Windows Service is running under can read and write to.

Invalid or missing keystore file - Keystore file cannot be opened by this version of the service or the file has been corrupted

The keystore file specified by the configuration property FLOATLIC_PATH is either incompatible with the current version of the Floating License Server, or has somehow been corrupted on the file system.

Restore the key store file specified in the configuration property FLOATLIC_PATH from a recent backup, or contact Sparx Systems Support for assistance.

Key file has been moved

The key store file specified by the configuration property FLOATLIC_PATH is locked to the serial number of the hard drive it is created on. If the key store file is moved from this hard drive, then other Floating License Servers are unable to open it.

If the key store file has been moved, restore the file to its initial location. Certain RAID configurations can affect how the hard drive's serial number is presented to the Floating License Server. Thus, it is recommended that you house the key store file on a non-RAID drive, wherever possible.

Errors while using Enterprise Architect and the Floating License Server



See also

Checkout Failure: There are no more available keys for this product in the key store

Keys for this product exist; however, they are all checked out to other users.

If this error is frequently reported, consider limiting the use of the product across your enterprise or purchasing more keys to meet the demand for the product.

Checkout Failure: The key store does not contain any keys for this product

This keystore does not contain keys for the requested product. Keys for the product might have been provided by the keystore in the past, but have since been removed.

Uninstall the product and return any shared keys on the client machine.

Checkin Failure: Key not found in keystore.

The key being checked in has either been deleted since it was checked out, or was checked out from another keystore.

Ensure that users return any shared keys to the key store they were leased from before swapping Floating License Servers / key stores.