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Remove Replication - EAP

Replication makes many changes to the database structure of your model, so the model file becomes considerably larger with additional information; you might, therefore, decide not to use the replication feature any more.



Settings > Model > Transfer > EAP Replication > Remove Replication

Remove replication from your model




Open a .EAP file (any .EAP file, other than the one having replication removed) - the menu option is not available if no file is open.


Select the 'Remove Replication' menu option.

The 'Remove Replication Wizard' dialog displays.


Enter the full path and file name of the project to have replication removed.

Click on the Next button.

If the project displays Version Number 7.0 this indicates that Auditing is enabled. Auditing should be disabled before proceeding (see Notes).


Enter the full path and file name of the base Enterprise Architect model (with no replication) to act as template.

Click on the Next button.


Enter the full path and required file name for the output file.

Click on the Next button.


Select whether to have a log file created and, if so, enter a file name for the log file.


Click on the Run button to begin removing replication.

Enterprise Architect creates a new project containing all the model information.

Your model has now had replication removed, and should be considerably smaller.


  • You cannot remove replication from a model with Auditing enabled - if you want to remove replication:
  1. Disable Auditing.
  2. If prompted to do so, allow Enterprise Architect to roll back the database version.
  3. Remove replication.
  • When removing replication it is strongly recommended that you also reset the ID's to restore a normal functioning model.
    Background;  the IDs in a replicated model use random numbers in the accepted range. So, a high number may have been assigned, meaning further increments for the identifiers may exceed the database identifier range. See the Reset Auto Increments Help topic for more detail.

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