Author Topic: Include common scripts in Model Based Addins?  (Read 1416 times)


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Include common scripts in Model Based Addins?
« on: October 14, 2019, 06:15:46 pm »
I'm investigating the new EA 15 Model Based addin feature as it would sort an issue I have with >20 VBScripts installed on a client's project. In the current situation, we used prefixes to differentiate e.g. a QA script from an XLS one. Still the list is too long when accessing the available script.
I'm interested in the model based addins as it provides a way to have menus & submenus whilst it's shared by all users (no local addin installation required).

I created a sample project based on Sparx EAExample and Arshad's community article (

Is there a way to include an a Javascript that's stored in the Scripting view, instead of having to create classes?
Note: it would be nice to have a way to view and work on the entire class code, instead of having to select each operation or reception to update code.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 06:18:48 pm by Guillaume »

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