We "tried" to use it, but as of yet, there is no good way to tie EA into Git.
We've looked at the git-cvsserver route (using git's built-in CVS server emulation to allow EA to access the git repo via CVS protocol) but that has a significant problem: git-cvsserver does not support the "cvs lock" commands, which EA uses to announce when model elements are locked - which made it a non-starter for us.
Also, EA does not do a good job of resolving merges - as in, "If you use EA, forget about branches, merging, or any of that - you will have a linear history tree and all updates are destructive." EA does NOT canonicalize the XML it writes, so a trivial change in the model will generated HUNDREDS of "changes" that will have to be resolved, and git won't be able to do so - and trying to resolve those changes in EA is painful to say the least.
It Would Be Nice If Sparx were to add support for 3 way merges (branch 1, branch 2, common ancestor) in a GUI way, with invocation from the command line - that way, git could be configured to call out to EA to handle merges. I'd suggest to any Sparxian to look at how products like Pragmadev's Real Time Developer Studio handle merges for inspiration.
It Would Also Be Nice If Sparx were to add support for directly using GIT into EA.
However, I am to addicted to oxygen to hold my breath for this.