I tried to load the generated XMI files with the Eclipse Modeling Framework (with the UML2 project). EMF/UML2 says, that the attributes within the Enumeration aren't legal. After changing it to EnumerationLiterals, EMF/UML2 accepted the Enumeration and loaded it.
By loading it with EMF, i found some more bugs:
- The attribute 'interactionOperator' in uml:CombinedFragment shouldn't have the prefix 'intop_'. FIXED in Build 818!!
- The attribute 'direction' in 'uml:Parameter' souldn't have the prefix 'pk_' FIXED in Build 818!!
- The attribute 'covered' references sometimes to uml:InstanceSpecification, instead of uml:Lifeline (some are referenced correctly, some of them are incorrect)
- It seems, that messages aren't stored correctly in XMI. There is a uml:Message that needs two uml:MessageEnds for 'sendEvent' and 'receiveEvent'. The XMI exporter generates uml:OccurenceSpecifications, but the UML-Metamodell says, that OccurenceSpecification isn't a uml:MessageEnds. I think, the right element is uml:MessageOccurrenceSpec (with superclass uml:MessageEnd and uml:OccurenceSpecification).
- Sometimes, there are no arguments stored in a uml:message. and I don't know how to reproduce this situation (situation with exported arguments and without exported arguments).
If it's important to improve the XMI exporter, I can post the error message(s) of EMF.