Author Topic: Meta data exchange between EA  and Designer repos  (Read 3192 times)


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Meta data exchange between EA  and Designer repos
« on: January 13, 2009, 08:43:01 am »
Hi ,
I am evaluating the EA tool and have a few questions. I am yet to see any document or topic discussed related to this.
It would be very helpful to have a discussion about the following

1. What is the meta data exchange possibility between the Oracle Designer Repository and the repository used by EA ?
2. Would these tools provide a way to develop the SOA canonical data model using existing data models from the Oracle Designer repository?

There are thousands of designer repository users who would want to make this jump , but no known documentation


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Re: Meta data exchange between EA  and Designer re
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 06:46:16 am »

Oracle Designer does not export its metadata as XMI (when I last used it which was in the late 90s) and so most of the CASE tools in the market with import facilities for XMI will not be able to access the metadata content.

If you contact a company, MetaIntegration on
They might just have a toolkit you need (at a cost of course).

Given that you have identified a market for this product, if you are a skilled programmer, you may want to develop the solution.

Good luck.


Gary W.

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Re: Meta data exchange between EA  and Designer re
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2009, 11:05:10 am »
Also check out Toolbus, at:

Please note that this product is the "other" way (i.e. UML Class Models from Enterprise Architect to Entity Relationship Models for Oracle Designer), but their staff seem knowledgeable in these sorts of migrations.

Our site had planned to buy their product, but then ran into budget difficulties.  Their staff were very helpful and eager to help with 'customizing' the Interface to incorporate our specific Data Admin standards (e.g. naming, upper case, underscore, etc.).
