Author Topic: Quicklinker Filters  (Read 1803 times)

Paolo F Cantoni

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Quicklinker Filters
« on: September 27, 2009, 10:42:04 pm »
There are three stereotype filters for the Quicklinker definition file (from EA Help):

 Source Stereotype Filter
 If set, the row is ignored unless a connector is being dragged away from an element with this stereotype.
 Target Stereotype Filter
 If set and Target Element Type also set, the row is ignored unless a connector is being dragged onto an element with this stereotype.
 Diagram Filter
 Contains either an inclusive or exclusive list of diagrams, which limits the diagrams the given kind of connector can be included on.

Each diagram name is terminated by a semi-colon. Excluded diagram names are preceded by an exclamation mark.

Example of an inclusive list: Collaboration;Object;Custom;

Example of an Exclusive list: !Sequence;

As I'm setting up the Quicklinker file, I'm finding I'm repeating a lot of stuff for lists of source and target stereotypes.

If ALL the filters were consistently defined as mixed lists of inclusions and exclusions, we could more expressively and consistently define the Quicklinker behaviour.

Thus, we could have a semicolon separated list of inclusions and exclusions - with exclusions denoted by an exclamation mark prefix.

This would apply equally to stereotypes as diagram types.
BTW: Since you can stereotype diagrams (and we DO!), why aren't diagram stereotypes on the list of filters?

Before I put in a formal Feature Request...
Thoughts? Votes?
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