Author Topic: mapping layer between database and code  (Read 5839 times)


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mapping layer between database and code
« on: October 01, 2010, 11:57:26 pm »
I'm a .net develloper and I wana get advantage of EA, I've used Visual paradigme , I can Gneretae code and database in the same time.  I can draw class diagram, generate ERD by class diagram, generate code, generate database, generate mapping layer and then start writing business logic without worrying the mapping between databases and object model.
so No I don't need to write any sql procedures , all I hace to do is to create my object, implements methods and then save, every thing is already done in database, so magic!!!
I wonder if this issue exists in EA, I,ve seen the code generation and dd filel generation for database, But no mapping between them , even the code generation seems not clear. The problem with vp is that there are many bugs and they have always updates each time they find a bug. EA seems much more popular and a lil bit complicated. can you give me some explanations about this issue, how can I generate c sharp code and sql databse directly from my class digramm with mapping layer between both. thanks guys :)