Author Topic: Feature request: option to disable Common toolbox  (Read 2612 times)


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Feature request: option to disable Common toolbox
« on: May 08, 2012, 07:25:01 am »

Creation of an MDG -profile- that enforces strict adherance to the specific technology standard is somewhat undermined by the following:

1) it is not possible to remove the Common toolbox or replace it by a custom one
2) the quicklinker also displays a 'common' submenu that can't be removed/customized
3) in some cases like e.g. Object-Action links, additional Dependency, Trace and Information Flow items appear in the QL menu that cannot be removed

Due to the above users can still create models that are not according to the technology standard that the MDG profile provides.

Request: make it possible to disable/replace the Common toolbox and QL menu's using an MDG -profiles-.

Benefit: being able to create a MDG profile that can enforce strict adherance using 'simple' XML configuration lowers the acceptance-threshold for an organisation as it is not required to invest in knowledge of an additional IDE and expertise to create and maintain add-ins.




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Re: Feature request: option to disable Common tool
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 07:38:06 am »
Hi Paulus,

Don't forget to submit an official feature request here:
This forum section is just for proposing feature requests and discuss them or gather support from the other users.

Using EA9.3, UML2.3, C++, linux, my brain,