Please realise that the views expressed on this forum (and especially this thread) are a tiny fraction of the feedback we receive from users.
Allow labels on entities to have much more freedom for layout
Why? What is the use case? What would you actually use it for? (Or more accurately, what portion of EA's user base do you think would find this useful?)
Simon and Roy, I do appreciate your responding, at length, to my post.
I trust you will find my post constructive.
I also appreciate the fact that some Sparx staff do monitor this forum and respond and contribute.
Firstly I note that I only evaluated my posts in this thread against EA 11, so its great to see that other user's posts got some traction.
Now I am obviously not privy to the majority of users who are sending in feature request saying 'don't enhance diagrams' or 'please don't add this feature to object formatting in diagrams'.
And I do appreciate that Sparx must receive many, and often conflicting, requests for enhancements, and that prioritisation must be a challenge. I am curious as to how Sparx engages its user base in order to make this prioritisation.
Having said that, I believe that customers who provide you with reasoned and considered feedback on a product should be given more consideration that the 110,000 registered forum users or 350,000 license holders who choose to remain silent, precisely because these are the customers who are engaged and believe in the product, and believe it can be even better.
It seems to me that many of the requests made in this, and in similar threads are not esoteric requests to suit a limited number of users in specific situation, to me that are for basic functionality that would be of use to most, if not all users, or for usability enhancements of a similar ilk.
Finally, what would be of benefit is some sort of feedback loop between Sparx, and those who submit feature requests, bug reports, and contribute to this forum.
As someone who has been a member of this forum since 7.5 it is interesting to note that there are certain questions and usability and functionality that are repeated over time.
I'd suggest that it would be worth considering whether the lack of a feedback loop contributes to the low level of contribution to the forums (110,000 registered users - but how many a) contribute (e.g. posted in the last 12 months), and b) access it (e.g. logged in the in last 12 months)).
yours constructively