Hi There, Has anyone on this forum ever used Technopedia https://www.bdna.com/products/technopedia/ with EA? I'm particularly interested if anyone has built an API to Technopedia so that EA can be updated with its metadata on various software and hardware components. I'm thinking this might be pretty useful for doing IT baseline architectures in complex organisations.
Just having a quick look, even if there was an API I think you'd struggle without access to the "Rosetta Stone" (hopefully ontological) that they've used to create the "common language". I suspect the relationship of Technopedia to architecture is like the relationship of Remedy to ITIL. Once you have the platform in place you're no longer following a framework other than the software vendors.
Not having seen Technopedia, the problem that Glassboy has identified is common enough. For ALL its (manifold) faults, EA's saving grace is that it is sufficiently open enough to allow you to, effectively, create your own framework.
FWIW, I've often said that EA should move towards being a formal framework platform with the various standards as specific implementations on top of the platform. To the end user, that's what it appears to be today, but internally, there is still too much bespoke stuff to be truly so. My (vain) hope would be to be able to define my framework declaratively and have EA generate the "runtime" for me.
Just a thought (bubble) inspired by Gallsboy's comment.