Author Topic: geoJSON and TopoJSON Support  (Read 3205 times)


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geoJSON and TopoJSON Support
« on: February 10, 2018, 08:16:22 am »
I am currently working to develop an Airport industry standard schema for Passenger Indoor Wayfinding. The group has chosen GeoJSON and TopoJSON as the target formats. May I request that the schema composer supports these two geospatial formats.

I would also request that existing JSON support include the import+synchronisation of JSON schema. In another project I am involved with, I wanted to import the new OASIS UBL 2.1 JSON message schema to reuse the data type library and could not do this.  The value of global schema standards is re-use and it appears like that is one of the capabilities the schema composer is designed to support.

i look forward to eeing these capabilities in version 14.00 of the EA.