I have had a some requests from users trying to work out how to deal with outputing details about Connectors in diagrams.
Below is some example code that I have used for doing this. The call from Main is a simple process for getting at some existing elements in the examle repository for 3.60.
Option Explicit
Public Sub DumpConnections(oElement As EA.Element, Rep As EA.Repository)
Dim Idx As Integer
Dim lNumRows As Long, iRows As Integer
Dim AltObj As EA.Element
Dim SourceStr As String, TagetStr As String
Dim Connector As EA.Connector
' Set dimensions for the table
lNumRows = oElement.Connectors.Count
'Insert the table entries
For iRows = 1 To lNumRows
Set Connector = oElement.Connectors.GetAt(iRows - 1)
' Check which connector Supplier/Client is the Target/source
If Connector.ClientID = oElement.ElementID Then
'Client is the source
'Set the Alternate Object as the target
Set AltObj = Rep.GetElementByID(Connector.SupplierID)
SourceStr = oElement.Name + " " + _
IIf(Len(Connector.ClientEnd.Cardinality) > 0, _
Connector.ClientEnd.Cardinality + ", ", "") + _
IIf(Connector.ClientEnd.Ordering, "Ordered ", "Unordered ")
TagetStr = AltObj.Name + " " + _
IIf(Len(Connector.SupplierEnd.Cardinality) > 0, _
Connector.SupplierEnd.Cardinality + ", ", "") + " " + _
IIf(Connector.SupplierEnd.Ordering, "Ordered ", "Unordered ")
'Supplier is the source
Set AltObj = Rep.GetElementByID(Connector.ClientID)
SourceStr = AltObj.Name + " " + _
IIf(Len(Connector.ClientEnd.Cardinality) > 0, _
Connector.ClientEnd.Cardinality + ", ", " ") + _
IIf(Connector.ClientEnd.Ordering, "Ordered ", "Unordered ")
TagetStr = oElement.Name + " " + _
IIf(Len(Connector.SupplierEnd.Cardinality) > 0, _
Connector.SupplierEnd.Cardinality + ", ", " ") + _
IIf(Connector.SupplierEnd.Ordering, "Ordered ", "Unordered ")
End If
' Column 1 - name and type of the connector
Debug.Print "Connector Type: " + Connector.Type + _
IIf(Connector.Direction <> "Unassigned ", " ", Connector.Direction)
'Source object name and ordering
Debug.Print "Source: " + SourceStr
Debug.Print "Taget: " + TagetStr
Debug.Print "Notes: " + Connector.Notes
Set AltObj = Nothing
Set Connector = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim Package As EA.Package
Dim Diag As EA.Diagram
Dim Rep As EA.Repository
Dim aPackageGuid As String
Dim aProject As EA.Project
Set Rep = New EA.Repository
Rep.OpenFile "C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA\EAExample.eap"
'3.60 example repository
Set Package = Rep.Models.GetByName("Messenger")
Set Package = Package.Packages.GetByName("Model Views")
Set Package = Package.Packages.GetByName("Analysis Model")
Set Package = Package.Packages.GetByName("Address Book")
' display connections for just the first element
DumpConnections Package.Elements.GetAt(0), Rep
Set Rep = Nothing
End Sub
The code is written in Vba /VB 6.
If EA version 3.51 is still being used try using:
'Using EA Version 3.51 ... Different EaExample
Set Package = rep.Models.GetByName("Views")
Set Package = Package.Packages.GetByName("Use Case View")
Set Package = Package.Packages.GetByName("Business Process Model")
Set Package = Package.Packages.GetByName("Process Model")
to replace the calls to the 3.60 pacakage set above.
Enjoy! :-)