Author Topic: clarification on webserver requirements and making use of existing system  (Read 10458 times)


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My company currently uses desktop versions of Enterprise Architect (EA), and are looking to upgrade/license the use of “Pro Cloud Server” so that people who use desktop-EA can make use of WebEA to share models/diagrams etc.

•   We already have user-desktops with EA installed on them.
•   We already have a database holding models/diagrams made with the applications above.
•   We do not have the WebEA/WebConfig fuinctionality.

According to online documentation Pro Cloud Server installation comes with an Embedded Web Server:

“For most users, the built-in web server provided with the Cloud Server provides all the functionality they need. It is also the easiest method to set up and use.”

1.   Can this embedded web server be used with WebEA and WebConfig? Which negates the use of Apache/IIS? Or do these two functions REQUIRE the use of a separate web server, IIS, xampp etc?

2.   Given that 2/3 components are already installed and working what is the simplest way to introduce the WebEA/WebConfig functionality to existing environment. (I.e. is it simply a case of installing the application MSI, configuring the application to connect to the existing database and copying/pasting the WebEA folder to the webserver?, or do we need a new Database for procloud server and migration?

Geert Bellekens

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AFAIK you can keep your currrent repository and simply add Cloud Server + WebEA on top of it.
There should be no need for any migration of the repository.



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Thanks for your help. When you say "simply add Cloud Server + WebEA on top of it." , can I install PCS and WebEA on a separate/new VM server and point PCS and WebEA to the current database? Or did you mean that you actually have to install PCS and WebEA on the same server as the DB  / Repository?

AFAIK you can keep your currrent repository and simply add Cloud Server + WebEA on top of it.
There should be no need for any migration of the repository.



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can I install PCS and WebEA on a separate/new VM server and point PCS and WebEA to the current database?

Absolutely! Just ensure the required ports are accessible.
Happy to help!