Author Topic: missing Type in Relationship Matrix  (Read 1903 times)


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missing Type in Relationship Matrix
« on: March 06, 2020, 02:20:10 am »
I have strange thing in Matrix (EA 1507)

I was building a matrix. I indicated the object type in the "Type" field (Location). I wrote the whole (after making the relation) as "profiles", which I used several times later.
Currently, there is no such thing (Location) in the "type" field - regardless of whether I choose "Profile" or build it from scratch.
Interestingly, if I choose in the "Type" field: <All>, then these objects appear among the others as "Target"
I didn't change anything in Sparx settings. The situation has occurred in the last 2 weeks.
Does anyone have an idea what is wrong?

Solution: Guilty is "Change Perspective" - (anywhere changed, e.g. in "Toolbox"). To be moved in the "Options" field of the Matrix.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 02:34:19 am by marku »