Author Topic: Relationship Matrix with my own "model search" as source & target - doesn't work  (Read 2459 times)


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In "Find in project window" I was doing 2 simple query ( using SQL scratch pad/SQL editor)
When I use one of them in "Find in Project" ( as "My searches") - a have correct answer (list of elements)
In "Relationship Matrix" I need use them as a "Source" and "Target" (using Apply model search)- but unfortunetly dosen't work- all of them are empty (no object as source, or target)
When I change it on the difrent "my search" ( build in the same "SQL scratch pad") it work ok.
Can someone tell me why?
- I check in Matrix "options" and select "all" as "perspective"
1 query:
select name, object_type, stereotype, ea_guid
from t_object, t_diagramobjects
where t_object.Object_ID = t_diagramobjects.Object_ID
and t_object.Stereotype = 'ArchiMate_ApplicationService'
and t_diagramobjects.Diagram_ID = 14515

select name, object_type, stereotype, ea_guid, ParentID
from t_object
where t_object.Stereotype like '%<Search Term>%'
and t_object.Package_ID = 11289;

Geert Bellekens

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A typical search would need to include CLASSGUID and CLASSTYPE

Code: [Select]
select o.ea_guid AS GLASSGUID, o.Object_Type AS CLASSTYPE, o.Name from t_object o
Also make sure to set "AS CLASSGUID" and "AS CLASSTYPE" in all caps at it matters in some circumstances (I don't remember which exactly)



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