Author Topic: EA 15.1 - Qucklinker (again ?) in Activity Diagramm (compared to EA 12.1)  (Read 2185 times)


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Hello,  I'm sorry that I have to post again....

One of my colleagues asked me to figure out how he can get his old EA 12.1 Qucklinker-Menue back. From his point of view this was the best since the invention of sliced bread  ;D 
A Forum-search delivered a bunch of related posts.
Am I right when I tell him that currently the only way to get something similar (and perhaps more personalized) is to follow this description ==> or is there anything else available?

Many thanks

Geert Bellekens

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Just to be clear, the quicklink menu's are not gone in v15.
For Activity diagram they were corrected, and thus they don't allow controlflows between Activities anymore, since that is an invalid connector.

Instead of trying to get the old (wrong) quicklink menu back, maybe it's an idea to start modelling valid UML diagrams with Actions instead of Activities?
It's really not that hard to do it right, and it makes much more sense.

Now if you really insist I would not use the old quicklinker CSV format, but instead use the new metamodel constraints.
You may need to set your MDG technology as "active" in order to override the standard UML rules.



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Hi Geert,

thanks a lot.
You are right,  the "action"-quick-linker-menue gives a lot more oppertunities (especially the option control flow).
I take the liberty passing on your info to my colleagues so that they can review their modelling standards...
...since I'm looking through the tool-administration-glasses I'm just a messenger in this case ....  ;)

best regards