Author Topic: "generalizes" vs "baseStereotypes" and multiple inheritance  (Read 2562 times)

Paolo F Cantoni

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"generalizes" vs "baseStereotypes" and multiple inheritance
« on: August 04, 2020, 12:37:04 pm »
In a recent post Abstract metatypes won't automagically generate <stereotypedrelationships> for an arc, Sparxian Eve, said "I don't know why EA needs both generalizes and baseStereotypes. What I do know is that prior to it being explicitly alphabetically ordered the order was unstable."

In another post (Re: v15.2β - Redefining EAUML::FK) Eve said (paraphrased): "generalizes always has one stereotype, but baseStereotypes needs to have all"

Given that the Sparx MDG generation process places the first alpha from the baseStereotypes list into the generalizes attribute, do I understand correctly that (so long as the value in the generalizes attribute is in the list for baseStereotypes) the value is essentially irrelevant?

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