Author Topic: XSD: XML Schema file  (Read 2785 times)


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XSD: XML Schema file
« on: December 18, 2012, 09:31:17 pm »

I've seen bunch of questions are related to this topic. In my case I need to produce XML Schema file from regular UML. I was looking for some Code Generation Templates for XML Schema which I can adopt for our needs but I did not find it. If such a template does not exist how can I modify the standard ouput of the XML Schema Generation?



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Re: XSD: XML Schema file
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 01:12:56 am »

If I understood everything correct, the way to do it is a 2-step generation:
UML Model ---> XML Schema Model --> XSD-Files (XML Schema)

The first step you can modify yourself (From UML Model to XML Schema Model) using the Transformation Templates.
Unfortunately you can't modify the actual XML-Schema generation.

Since you can modify the first step, you have at least some control of how generation of the final XML Schema should be like.
