According to the accepted answer on Stackoverflow the maximum size is 254, so I was right on the spot
Off by one. Most common error in programming.
On the serious side, I think this is a decidedly odd thing for a supplier to do. This is a bug which has been shown to break the tool in the wild, and which has a simple solution. Instead of rolling out that solution, they encourage users to go hacking the database schema by themselves.
Those users who find the solution, that is -- a one-liner in the release note for one particular version isn't much use on its own, so users would have to find this thread to understand that this is something they can, and should, do. No help on how to do it either, for any of the DBMSes EA supports, and no patcher script to download and run.
The release note doesn't say whether the client, or the supplied base project, has been updated so that projects created as of 15.2.1556 will have the correct length for this field. Most likely they won't.
So are Sparx perhaps putting schema updates on the shelf for now to be included in 16.0?