Author Topic: Importing part of model into Prolaborate  (Read 25730 times)


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Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« on: April 20, 2021, 07:02:42 am »
We are giving Prolaborate a trial run for a couple of weeks and the pProlaborate folk have been kind enough to set it up in AWS for us. Initially they loaded up our sample model that included a process framework and a couple of business processes mapped in BPMN. After a while we decided we wanted to import a few more parts from our enterprise model such as applications components, roadmaps etc. So we exported another portion of our model to xml, about 28MB. When we attempted to XML import it started off fine and imported some elements but part way through we got a 403 error from ProCloud Server saying "Transmission error communicating with server. Http Status code: 403 Forbidden". Thought it might have been a glitch so tried it three times but got same result.

Has anyone else experienced that error and if so what did you do to resolve it.

The prolaborate guys suggest using Sparx EA Streaming service which is basically Sparx EA as SaaS and running within  a browser.
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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2021, 09:42:17 am »
The only time a 403 error should be returned from PCS is if you access a model with 'Require a secure and authenticated connection' is enabled but the connection doesn't satisfy either of those conditions. If that was the case you wouldn't get into the model at all.

We have had a reports of a similar error, but couldn't find the issue before the customer stopped responding to questions. All I know is that it was also during XMI import to a model hosted by the Prolaborate team.

Unfortunately, there's not much I can do to help here. If you contact support about it we'll at least try to help more.


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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2021, 11:17:18 am »
Thanks Eve, if nothing else you've confirmed my understanding of 403 error and that someone else had the same problem. We'll probably go with the on-premises option so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 11:15:47 am by Sunshine »
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Paolo F Cantoni

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« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2021, 01:16:03 pm »
Thanks, Eve, if nothing else you've confirmed my understanding of 403 error and that someone else had the same problem. We'll probably go with the onpremise option so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem.
Please be aware that the term "on-premise" is a non-sequitur (it doesn't exist).  It has no meaning!  The correct term is "on-premises".
When referring to locations it is ALWAYS in the plural. Felons don't leave the premise, they leave the premises.  (in fact, my grammar checker just tried to fix the previous incorrect usage!)  Why is it plural? Well, that is an interesting piece of research that I leave to the reader.

The use of the incorrect term causes some of us physical pain...   :'(  :'(  Please avoid it and use the correct term...  The contraction "on-prem" is fine since it validly contracts on-premises.

As language degrades, civilisation and culture degrade.

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Re: On-premises!!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2021, 02:22:19 pm »
Thanks, Eve, if nothing else you've confirmed my understanding of 403 error and that someone else had the same problem. We'll probably go with the onpremise option so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem.
Please be aware that the term "on-premise" is a non-sequitur (it doesn't exist).  It has no meaning!  The correct term is "on-premises".
When referring to locations it is ALWAYS in the plural. Felons don't leave the premise, they leave the premises.  (in fact, my grammar checker just tried to fix the previous incorrect usage!)  Why is it plural? Well, that is an interesting piece of research that I leave to the reader.

The use of the incorrect term causes some of us physical pain...   :'(  :'(  Please avoid it and use the correct term...  The contraction "on-prem" is fine since it validly contracts on-premises.

As language degrades, civilisation and culture degrade.


98 million Google results for 'on-premise software' suggests you're not going to hold back the tide on this one.
The Sparx Team
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Paolo F Cantoni

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Re: On-premises!!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2021, 04:14:24 pm »
Thanks, Eve, if nothing else you've confirmed my understanding of 403 error and that someone else had the same problem. We'll probably go with the onpremise option so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem.
Please be aware that the term "on-premise" is a non-sequitur (it doesn't exist).  It has no meaning!  The correct term is "on-premises".
When referring to locations it is ALWAYS in the plural. Felons don't leave the premise, they leave the premises.  (in fact, my grammar checker just tried to fix the previous incorrect usage!)  Why is it plural? Well, that is an interesting piece of research that I leave to the reader.

The use of the incorrect term causes some of us physical pain...   :'(  :'(  Please avoid it and use the correct term...  The contraction "on-prem" is fine since it validly contracts on-premises.

As language degrades, civilisation and culture degrade.


98 million Google results for 'on-premise software' suggests you're not going to hold back the tide on this one.
If I don't have to hear it or see it, then it is of little consequence.

Besides they're past usages, who knows what the future will bring?   ;)

Also, how widespread do you want the wrong answer?  ::)

One of the downsides of a classical education, you tend to use words correctly...  You even start correcting the grammar checkers when they get it wrong...  :o

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Re: On-premises!!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2021, 11:18:43 am »
Thanks, Eve, if nothing else you've confirmed my understanding of 403 error and that someone else had the same problem. We'll probably go with the onpremise option so hopefully that shouldn't be a problem.
Please be aware that the term "on-premise" is a non-sequitur (it doesn't exist).  It has no meaning!  The correct term is "on-premises".
When referring to locations it is ALWAYS in the plural. Felons don't leave the premise, they leave the premises.  (in fact, my grammar checker just tried to fix the previous incorrect usage!)  Why is it plural? Well, that is an interesting piece of research that I leave to the reader.

The use of the incorrect term causes some of us physical pain...   :'(  :'(  Please avoid it and use the correct term...  The contraction "on-prem" is fine since it validly contracts on-premises.

As language degrades, civilisation and culture degrade.

Yeah thanks mate I know that - its a typo. Always good to have typo's picked up - nothing better to do aye?
However now we know your weakness we can have some fun ;D
« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 11:29:35 am by Sunshine »
Happy to help

Paolo F Cantoni

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Re: On-premises!!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2021, 11:50:08 am »
Yeah, thanks mate I know that - it's a typo. Always good to have typo's picked up - nothing better to do aye?
However now we know your weakness we can have some fun ;D
Hi Sunshine, yes, I was VERY surprised to see your use.  Glad to see it was a typo.

I'm used to others having fun at my expense...   ;)

Have a good weekend!
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... Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of achieving correctness....
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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2021, 02:35:38 pm »
Oh.... let's throw a hand grenade in. 'Premise' is a valid word. It means 'a fact from which a conclusion is drawn'. As in: "All mammals are warm blooded." "Therefore an animal that is not warm blooded is not a mammal."

A premise and conclusion can be divided into a major premise, minor premise and conclusion. So "All mammals are warm blooded." (Major Premise) "I am not warm blooded." (Minor Premise) "Therefore I am not a mammal." (Conclusion). Oh look - two premises there!

But it is likely that there is perfectly labelled 'On-premise software' if the software is deriving facts from single other facts.

I'm not classically educated. But I readed loads of dicshun... dikchu... word books.
Best Regards, Roy

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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2021, 03:55:04 pm »
I'm not classically educated. But I readed loads of dicshun... dikchu... word books.
;D ;D ;D


Paolo F Cantoni

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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2021, 03:58:10 pm »
Oh.... let's throw a hand grenade in. 'Premise' is a valid word. It means 'a fact from which a conclusion is drawn'. As in: "All mammals are warm-blooded." "Therefore an animal that is not warm-blooded is not a mammal."

A premise and conclusion can be divided into a major premise, minor premise and conclusion. So "All mammals are warm-blooded." (Major Premise) "I am not warm-blooded." (Minor Premise) "Therefore I am not a mammal." (Conclusion). Oh look - two premises there!

But it is likely that there is perfectly labelled 'On-premise software' if the software is deriving facts from single other facts.

I'm not classically educated. But I readed loads of dicshun... dikchu... word books.
Ah... Grasshopper (sorry, young Roy), a trap for young players...

In the 98 million hits that young Neil found, I'll wager not one was used in the sense you mentioned.  They were almost universally incorrectly using it to mean software residing on the entity's location.

So to shed some light on WHY the term is in the plural when dealing with (at least) buildings etc. In the olden days (yes, before I was born), the contract for sale for land and buildings was comprised - and still is - of a series of clauses which were then known as "the premises".  Thus a contract was always comprised of a number (>1) premises.  Over time, but still before I was born, the term "the premises" transferred from the contract to the contracted, that is from the piece of parchment to the land and buildings!!!  So that's why a building is "the premises" and NOT "the premise".

So, when "lobbing a grenade", make sure you've taken the pin out...  ;D

Oh, and don't forget, over time (but after I was born), dictionaries have abrogated their one-time primary role to tell you what a word or phrase meant to merely listing usage.  I once (on-air) accused the editor of a well-known Australian Dictionary of "adding to the entropy of the language".  Funnily enough, they cut me off.  Observations over the ensuing decades have borne out my accusation.

Have a good weekend everyone!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 03:59:52 pm by Paolo F Cantoni »
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Re: Ranting about the misuse of language
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2021, 05:11:25 pm »
Ah, but languages have always been fluid entities.

Surely all you are arguing for is that the "true English" is the one that existed at the time of your education.

A dictionary that doesn't exist in isolation. The meaning of a word can't really be separated from its common usage. As much as I hate it, if someone in the future is reading literature from 2021, what good will it be if they don't see that 'literally' can mean exactly that or 'used for emphasis while not being literally true'1.

In terms of the on-premise being incorrect. Sure, it doesn't make sense in context of the particular history that you have cited. It's probably used like that so often because it does make sense in our current language that when referring to a singular location it doesn't make sense to use a plural form.

1 Which is exactly the informal usage that Google gave me from Oxford Languages.


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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2021, 08:49:52 am »
Definitely gone off topic here. The ironic thing here is an Aussie is telling a Brit how write English.
I think we can all spend our time on more productive topics so lets call an end to this thread.
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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2021, 01:09:31 pm »
Well, before we do cease to be well off-topic, two things:

As far as I am aware Paolo is an Australian citizen born in the UK of Italian parents. I am an Australian citizen of English parentage and education (born in Malaya, during the Emergency). Eve is Australian born, I believe (and y'all can correct me on those facts. Except those pertaining to me!) So who is what correcting whom?

Something comprised its parts, not 'was comprised of' its parts. Composed of, yes. Consisted of, certainly. But comprised of, no.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 03:21:39 pm by RoyC »
Best Regards, Roy


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Re: Importing part of model into Prolaborate
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2021, 01:42:36 pm »
If anyone actually cares

In legal documents it meant "matter previously stated" (early 15c.), which in deeds or wills often was a description of a house or building, hence the extended meaning "house or building, with grounds" (1730).