Author Topic: "Define Creation of Instance" for Activity  (Read 4181 times)


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"Define Creation of Instance" for Activity
« on: February 11, 2013, 10:59:19 pm »
Hi all!

I'm working on an MDG Technology for a client where I want to control the creation of instances of Activities which have a stereotype I've defined.

According to the help file, this is controlled using three string parameters in the classifier stereotype; _instanceMode and _instanceOwner, which are used in the "Paste Element" dialog, and _instanceType, which should match the _metatype attribute in the instance stereotype.

I've set up my stereotypes accordingly, one extending Activity and the other CallBehaviorAction -- but the dialog stays the same and the actions are created with the classifier's stereotype.

The exact same setup works for Classes and Objects but, as I say, not for Activities and Actions.

Is this by design, or is it a bug?
Is this still the behavior in EA 10? (I'm on 9.3.933.)
If it is, I'll have to implement a workaround. If not, it'll be fixed when we upgrade.


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Re: "Define Creation of Instance" for Activity
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 06:06:26 pm »

I suspect it doesn't work because an action isn't an instance of an Activity.

EA kind of make you think that because it uses the same dialog to create an Action that calls an Activity, but there's a completely different implementation behind it.



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Re: "Define Creation of Instance" for Activity
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2013, 10:24:49 pm »
Well, that kinda bites... Luckily, I'm writing an Add-In as well so I can juggle this around I think.


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