It should look like this:
I suspect that you haven't exported the private key when converting the certificate, meaning the second section is empty.
The private key was exported when converting the certificate. The 2nd section is not empty. The certificate looks exactly like described above. Furthermore, other than 2 web browsers throwing the same error,
an inspection of the invalid certificate using a web browser does not reveal anything obviously wrong with it, this is a big part of the problem.
If your organization is already set-up with an appropriate certificate chain...
The certificate chain is already set-up and must be working because the certificate we are using for WebEA and WebConfig works fine and gives no errors. The difference is that it gets installed into IIS "as is" without any conversion. As you said, this could indicate that the conversion is the problem.
Ask the people who give you certificates for a PEM encoded x.509 certificate and how to get your private key into that format.
We are working on it but since we are doing this with no support from Sparx Systems, despite paying from it, it is proving more difficult than expected.
P.S.: The support desk has all the details but they are not very responsive.