Author Topic: What happened to ArchiMate's "iconstyle"? 1.0->2.0  (Read 2917 times)


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What happened to ArchiMate's "iconstyle"? 1.0->2.0
« on: April 12, 2013, 08:57:06 pm »
Just recently upgraded from Sparx 9.2 to 10.

In this transition I started using ArchiMate 2.0 instead of ArchiMate 1.0.

The much appreciated feature to switch icon styles using taggedvalue on ArchiMate 1.0 elements seems to have vanished?  :-[

Feature explained here:

The appearance of elements
iconstyle = true shows the iconic representation of the element
iconstyle = false shows a rectangle with a decoration in the top corner

Good luck explaining to an audience the difference between elements such as event / function / process without the ability to emphasize their difference visually (using the iconic representation).

The way it is now [ch8722] *every* element in the toolbox is represented by the same "rectangle" making their difference non-distinguishable [ch8722] Sparx just rendered ArchiMate 2.0 modeling useless.

Please fix.  :-*


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Re: What happened to ArchiMate's "iconstyle"? 1.0-
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 08:37:19 am »
In my opinion it's better now.

It obeys the same "Use Rectangle Notation" option that other elements obey. This also means that the same element can appear on different diagrams as icon or rectangle. If I remember correctly, the specification explicitly says that is required for a conformant tool.


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Re: What happened to ArchiMate's "iconstyle"? 1.0-
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 08:09:14 pm »
All I want is an option to show the "iconic representation" of the element and not only/always the "rectangle with a decoration".

Is this possible?

(Preferably by not using taggedvalues of course since that solution would be element specific and not diagramelement specific.)