Hm. Are you sure about this?
For any given combination, I see Direction value changes for these rows, but Navigable values remains 0.
Hmm, I did a quick test, and it seems that indeed in v16 the columns SourceIsNavigable and DestIsNavigable are no longer used, they stay at 0 (but "old" values are not updated)
Instead they are updating the SourceStyle and DestStyle columns and adding another key-value pair like: "Navigable=Non-Navigable;"
Pff, so they had a normalized separate column for this information, but they decided to not use that anymore and instead hack this info into the "style" columns?
If we are going that way, we might as well get rid of all those pesky columns. Instead each table could have a single column with keyvalue pairs!!
Not sure since when this has changed exactly, but it might be a serious problem for those of us thinking about upgrading to v16.
I would definitely report it as a bug.