What Geert said!
My experience is exactly the same. When accessing from home (500Mbps down, 70 up but with a VPN in the way slowing everything down), PCS is noticeably faster than direct DB access (PCS is batching/optimising the DB accesses I assume?). But also, API access is just slow. You maybe don't notice on a Gbps internal network, but it just is. For read access I have converted all my code to use SQL queries, and that speeds things up by 10-20 times, maybe. Things that took minutes now take seconds.
Updates I still do through the API, obviously, and there's generally less of that (for what I do) so the slowness is less important. Occasionally, though, I'll have a script that sits and runs for 10or 20 minutes, sometimes longer, because it is doing a lot of updates.