Author Topic: v16.1 - Extending BPMN2.0::Gateway metatype  (Read 12878 times)

Paolo F Cantoni

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v16.1 - Extending BPMN2.0::Gateway metatype
« on: April 03, 2024, 04:29:13 pm »
Having got our "extension" (by Generalization) of BPMN2.0::Actvity more or less working (see:,48382.msg280812.html#msg280812). We became emboldened to try another BPMN2.0 element  - the Gateway.
We did the simple stereotype metaclass BPMN2.0::Gateway specialized to "GtWy" thus:
Code: [Select]
<Stereotype name="GtWy" metatype="Gateway" notes="This is the definition of a gateway (used for BPMN extension)" cx="0" cy="0" bgcolor="7856743"
fontcolor="8421376" bordercolor="9470064" borderwidth="1" hideicon="0" generalizes="BPMN2.0::Gateway" baseStereotypes="BPMN2.0::Gateway">
We can drag off the toolbox, and the element is created, but even though our shapescript is conditional on if(hasproperty("rectanglenotation","1")), the element does not have the menu item "Use Rectangular Notation" on the "Paintbrush Widget".  Also, the shapescript will NOT respond to the DB being set to UCRect=1 in the diagramobject.  The shapescript WILL respond to other properties (such as showing or hiding the icon).

Is this because the base BPMN2.0::Gateway will not respond to UCRect=1?  Even so, why should this be included in our shapescript?

Again, this smells like a defect, but rather than waste many more hours, I thought some Sparxians might be able to shed some light.


PS: Interestingly, the Emitted MDG for GtWy does NOT have an <AppliesTo> segment, whereas the BPMN2.0::Activity-based ActvtyB does.  Is there a reason for this, or has another anomaly crept in?  Both metatypes are emitted by the profile creation from the model  - so it's not manual editing by us.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 05:50:20 pm by Paolo F Cantoni »
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Paolo F Cantoni

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Re: v16.1 - Extending BPMN2.0::Gateway metatype
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2024, 01:37:53 pm »
Anyone?  We have submitted a Bug Report.

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