Author Topic: EA responsiveness  (Read 2478 times)


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EA responsiveness
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:52:28 pm »
We are running the latest version of EA 15, with direct DB and PCS connections.

Regardless of which way we connect EA can sometimes take many seconds to respond to a simple RMB click.
(and Windows will grey the screen out with the message (Not Responding) in the title bar)

Does anyone else observe this, or have suggestions for how to investigate this?

AFAIK both the DB server or PCS server are very lightly loaded.


Orthogonality rules
Using EA16.1 (1627) on Windows 11 Enterprise/64 bit. Repositories in SQLServer2019 DB Schema 1558.
WebEA on Pro Cloud Server 4.2.64


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Re: EA responsiveness
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2024, 05:05:00 pm »
We experienced a similar issue with EA 15.2 (32-bit). The application would often become unresponsive.

To address this, we transitioned to the 64-bit version (16.0 and beyond) and upgraded our database to SQL Server 2019 with the latest compatibility settings. This significantly improved performance and stability.

Additionally, there were some known bugs in earlier versions, particularly with copy-pasted diagrams or elements, which were only resolved in version 16. While I can't recall if a simple RMB on a copied element specifically caused crashes or slow responses, these issues were prevalent.

Based on our experience, I recommend updating all components, including the database, client, and PCS. Version 16.1.1628 proved to be quite stable for us.

As for version 17.0, I would advise waiting until version 17.0.1705 is released before upgrading. The initial releases often contain bugs that are typically addressed in subsequent updates, not many community members are willing to take the role of being Sparx their QA and start using these versions. Waiting for 17.0.1705 should provide a more stable experience.