Author Topic: Simulation Help Modeling N Scenarios  (Read 5077 times)


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Simulation Help Modeling N Scenarios
« on: April 30, 2014, 09:55:21 am »
Hi - I am looking to simulate roughly 150 batch jobs and would like to get some guidance on how to best set this up based on the criteria below.

I recently started using Sparx and am running Ultimate Edition v10.0.1006.  I have been reading the docs and can run a simulation on a basic activity diagram (i.e. events in an Action) and I am starting to follow the SysML and Paramater/Constraint settings (though it is not 100% clear).

From the simulation, I would like to capture:
- estimated total batch duration for peak load for yr 1, 2, .. 10 for each Division (1..5)
- estimated total batch duration for avg load for yr 1, 2, .. 10 for each Division (1..5)
- estimated individual job start time / end time based on avg and peak load for yr 1..10 for each division (based on chained predecessor or defined start time)
- graph ideally showing the batch duration for avg/peak load (plot to graph)
- identify if SLAs are not met

Data inputs - I have a spreadsheet with daily average and peak volumes for a 10yr period for 5 divisions, predecessor(s), throughput estimates, SLAs (i.e. must complete by) and a lot more other details not listed here.  Some jobs include a defined start time and occurs when there is no predecessor.

Is there anyone that can provide guidance on how to best simulate this in Sparxs?