Is it possible to create Sequence diagrams that shows embedded Components grouped together (similar to the Inline Sequence Element link below)? As I could not see how to do in EA 10 (10.0.1005).
E.g. I have a component [CompA], which has with in it two 'sub' components [CompA1 & CompA2] and a separate component [CompB].
- CompA1 has a required interface [IntX] and a provided interface [IntY]
- CompA2 has a required interface [IntY] and provided interface [IntZ]
- CompB has required interface [IntZ]
So I want to show flow from CompA through to CompB including the sub-components on a sequence diagram, but also show CompA as the parent of CompA1/A2, i.e. grouped lifeline for CompA1/A2 under CompA, including their interfaces.
BTW is this possible if CompA has IntX and IntZ as interfaces which are delegated to the internal components? (Not sure if/how delegated interfaces work/show on sequences diagrams.) - MP