Author Topic: Generate XMI package + profile stereotypes?  (Read 3926 times)


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Generate XMI package + profile stereotypes?
« on: June 13, 2006, 03:00:10 am »
I have a UML model which uses a UML 2.0 profile and has a controlled package.  I actually want to generate the XMI for the controlled package from an external script so I can get some information into my EA model.

My problem is that I can't find the right XMI formulation to get the tagged values from each class's stereotype to appear on the class.  They appear if I re-apply the profile stereotype to the class in EA manually, but I have too many classes to do the whole lot manually.  How is the linkage made in XMI that particular tagged values are associate with a class with a particular UML profile stereotype?

Thanks a lot in advance,
Cheers, Tony.


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Re: Generate XMI package + profile stereotypes?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2006, 03:17:48 am »
Sorry, my mistake, it's not hard.  You have to set the tagged values for stereotypes at the global model level, not at the local class level.
Cheers, Tony.


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Re: Generate XMI package + profile stereotypes?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2006, 06:06:46 am »
Hmmm, not as easy as I thought.  Well, it is as easy as I thought for classes (use global tagged values).  However, I can't find a way to get tagged values for properties (attributes & association ends) to import from the XMI.  When I save a controlled package as XMI, these are stored as locally defined tagged values in the attribute/association-end definition.  However, defining them like that doesn't appear to work for import.  Defining them globally doesn't seem to work either.

Any suggestions, or is this something that simply can't/won't work?  Thanks a lot in advance for any help,

Cheers, Tony.