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Enterprise Architect for Software Tester roles

"In line with Enterprise Architect's advanced Lifecycle development capabilities, powerful testing support allows for rapid analysis of UML 2.5model elements. Members of the QA team can implement a variety of test types and issue reports to stakeholders accordingly."

Enterprise Architect provides support for design testing by allowing the user to create test scripts against elements in the modeling environment.

Test cases may be assigned to individual model elements, requirements and constraints. Scenarios can be added to model elements, and element defects may be used to report problems associated with model elements.

For more detailed information on testing, consult the Introduction to Testing in Enterprise Architect.


Test cases

With Enterprise Architect, Quality Assurance personnel can set a series of tests for each UML element. The test types include Unit Testing, Acceptance testing, System testing and Scenario Testing.

Import requirements, constraints and scenarios

To help ensure that testing maintains integrity with the entire business process Enterprise Architect offers the tester the ability to import requirements, constraints and scenarios defined in earlier iterations of the development life cycle. Requirements indicate contractual obligations that elements must perform within the model. Constraints are conditions which must be met in order to pass the testing process. Constraints may be Pre-conditions (states which must be true before an event is processed), Post Conditions (events which must occur after the event is processed) or invariant constraints (which must remain true through the duration of the event). Scenarios are textual descriptions of an object's action over time and can be used to describe the way a test works.

Create quality test documentation

Enterprise Architect provides the facility to generate high quality test documentation. Enterprise Architect produces test documentation in the industry standard .RTF file format.

Element defects changes

Defects tracking provides the facility to allocate defect reports to any element within the Enterprise Architect model. This allows all who are involved in the project to quickly view the status of defects, to see which defects need to be addressed and which have been dealt with.


User Guide:

The Enterprise Architect User Guide section for testing is a great starting point for users.
Visit Guide Here

Testing Support:

Introduces the 5 levels of integrated testing procedures supported by Enterprise Architect.
Visit Page

White Paper:

Test Management in Enterprise Architect documents benefits of modeling environment testing.
Read More Here


Additional User Guide Information:

Additional Resources:

  • Webinars: View Recorded Webinars or Register for upcoming sessions
  • Demonstration Videos: Get up to speed fast with visual walk-throughs
  • Tutorials: Technical overviews of UML and Enterprise Architect
  • Case Studies: Read how Enterprise Architect has helped shape the world
  • White Papers: An extensive repository of technical articles from Sparx Systems and Partners
  • Enterprise Architect User Guide: Recently rebuilt with improved navigation and context search from Enterprise Architect
  • Sparx Systems Forum: Post Questions, get tips and tricks from over 170,000 Registered Forum Members
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